Our current vacancies are listed below.

We’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in joining our team. You can find out about who you’ll be working with by clicking here.

If you have any questions about any of our roles, please contact [email protected]

Fundraising and Evaluation Manager

We are looking for a Fundraising and Evaluation Manager to join the team for parental leave cover.

Fundraising and Evaluation Manager role description 

Community Cook

We are looking for a cook for the community kitchen at Broadwater Farm.

Community Cook role description 

Session Leader

We are looking to grow our pool of freelance session leaders who can deliver a range of walking and cycling provision to families with toddlers, young people and adults in and around Finsbury Park and Tottenham.

Bike Mechanic for Your Bike Project

Your Bike Project is a youth-led cycling initiative taking place in and around Northumberland Park and Broadwater Farm Estates. We’re working with 11 – 18 year olds to embed and share skills in the community.